Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives


At the center of the project, there is a triple ambition. The first is methodological and epistemological: it is a question of contributing to the development of the field of computational humanities via new tools of exploration of corpora, beyond the lexical approach (without excluding it, obviously, but in complementing) - it is a question of learning how to mobilize Artificial Intelligence to locate arguments, ideas and not simply terms, uses of terms, semantic fields. The second ambition is academic and transdisciplinary: the field studied in the project - administrative law from 1799 to today - concerns several disciplines (the history of law, administrative law, modern and contemporary history, philosophy, political science, administrative science) and the development of digital technology will make it possible to considerably widen the sources available for its study, both from the point of view of their analysis (thanks to the exploratory tools mentioned in the previous point) and from the point of view of their nature. The third ambition is professional: practitioners already use the available databases (such as ArianeWeb (http://arianeinternet.conseil-etat.fr/arianeinternet/) - for administrative case law) but they need to be able to question them more finely, in relation to the theoretical questions they ask themselves. This need is all the stronger as the so-called digital transformation of justice is developing in the sense of automating decision-making processes, based on the disputes already settled through the implementation of systematic line of all court decisions (pursuant to the law of 7 October 2016 on the Digital Republic). Magistrates as lawyers therefore need new digital tools to work and several start-ups have appeared in the sector called Legal Tech.

Partners: UNS (faculté de lettres and faculté de droit), Inria, UCA, École Pratique des Hautes Études (https://www.ephe.fr/) and Institut des Systèmes Complexes de Paris IDF (https://iscpif.fr/), duration: 2018-2019.

IADB UCA Project

IADB, Integration and Learning on Biomedical Data (Intégration et Apprentissage sur les Données Biomédicales), is a project funded by UCA JEDI Labex (Université Côte d'Azur). The goal of the project is to leverage medical prognosis and decision making in the clinical domain with big data analysis techniques, Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning. The partners are: I3S, Wimmics, CHU Nice and BCL (Bases, Corpus, Language) Laboratory.


INCERTIMMO, Uncertainty in Real Estate Spatial Modeling in the City (Prise en compte de l’Incertitude pour une Modélisation Spatiale des Valeurs Immobilières dans la Ville), is a research and development partnership funded by UCA and Kinaxia (http://www.kinaxia.fr/) company. UCA partners are: I3S, ESPACE (http://univ-cotedazur.fr/laboratoires_old/espace), and IMREDD (http://imredd.fr/).